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Hotel facilities

We have a track record of both intimate guesthouses and larger hotel facilities. Our offer includes comprehensive services from analysis, concept to construction and detailed designs.

Office facilities

In our view, a company’s headquarters is more than just a building with a company logo, and the “office” function itself today requires more than identical open spaces or separate cubicles.

We design buildings from scratch for a specific company as well as adapt and modernize existing facilities very often offering comprehensive service also in the field of interior design.

Public facilities

We design public facilities such as schools, police stations and city offices. We take care of functionality and aesthetics, as well as making sure that the implementation is within the budget.

Hotel facilities

We have a track record of both intimate guesthouses and larger hotel facilities. Our offer includes comprehensive services from analysis, concept to construction and detailed design.

Office facilities

In our view, a company’s headquarters is more than just a building with a company logo, and the “office” function itself today requires more than identical open spaces or separate cubicles.

We design buildings from scratch for a specific company as well as adapt and modernize existing facilities very often offering comprehensive service also in the field of interior design.

Public facilities

We design public facilities such as schools, police stations and city offices.We take care of functionality and aesthetics and make sure that the implementation is within the budget.

Scope and stages of documentation

The studio provides comprehensive services for the investment process in all industries serving both individual and institutional clients.

Projects are usually contained in the following phases

  1. Land absorption analysis, urban planning analysis
  2. Setting the investment program
  3. Architectural concept or interior concept
  4. Visualizations
  5. Administration of procedures
    • Official formalities, maps, permits, applications, surveying, land surveys, etc.
  6. Construction project
    • development, architecture, construction, installations, roads
  7. Detailed energy performance with proposed energy-saving solutions
  1. Arrangements with experts
  2. Cost estimates and specifications
  3. Executive design
    • development, architecture, construction, installations, roads
  4. Interior design
    • architecture, installations
  5. Interior styling
    • selection of moving and decorative elements
  6. Assistance in selecting a contractor
  7. Author’s supervision of the architect at the construction site

We work with specialists and renowned industry studios in the fields of

We recommend only proven building and interior contractors

due diligence


greenery designers




structural mechanics


road projects


health technology, nutrition technology, production technology


sanitary installations




investment costing


electrical installations




rzeczoznawcy: bhp, sanepid, ppoż.